Refurbished Traditional Awning at Denningtons Florist, Bow

Our commercial Victorian awnings are particularly robust and will last for many years with little or no maintenance. However, at some stage high street pollution and seasonal weathering will mean your commercial awning will eventually look past its best.

However, our commercial awning renovation service ensures that you may not need to find the budget for a whole new awning installation. This Victorian awning, at Denningtons Florist in Bow, was installed over 10 years ago and was looking quite tired.

But now, the Victorian awning has now been rejuvenated with a new jade green cover and hand painted hardwood lath, giving it a whole new lease of life.

Contact us for more information.

The Victorian Awning

This is a British Classic. It is timeless and perfect if you want to achieve a traditional styling. The Victorian box-lot shop awning, to give its full name, is as popular as ever, even within more modern settings, which helps create a tasteful and appealing contrast between contemporary and classic. Read More