New Look Awnings for Banana Tree, Covent Garden

These two Victorian awnings, at the Covent Garden Branch of The Banana Tree Restaurant, have recently been refurbished by us with new fabric covers in an, appropriately named, shade of Pumpkin.

The branding we have applied to the Victorian Awning covers is of a palm tree made possible by the application of our Digital RAGSĀ® Graphics process, which permits fine logo detail.

The Victorian retractable awning is our most popular commercial awning and has been manufactured in the same way since the Company was established in the 1956. Our experience means that we are best qualified to perform any maintenance tasks on the Victorian awning.

Contact us for more information.

The Victorian Awning

This is a British Classic. It is timeless and perfect if you want to achieve a traditional styling. The Victorian box-lot shop awning, to give its full name, is as popular as ever, even within more modern settings, which helps create a tasteful and appealing contrast between contemporary and classic. Read More